
Wednesday 24 November 2021

This is my progress that I have made towards finding the number before infinity

 7.982___e+302, over = Infinity

If you see something like this, 1e+9 you would think it is a maths equation, but you are very, very wrong

1e+, e+ is like up, let's just make this symbol ^ up, for now, e+ is too must of a number that it cannot support it's original spelling, you will get to (e+) if you have anything over 999 Quadrillion, for short, Qua, Quintilian is the next phase of Qua/Quadrillion, 7.982__e+302 x () < Anything that duplicates it by any sort of category, will lead to the number, Infinity, but in reality it is not actually a number, it is considered a easier way for not having to right an infinite amount of number category/Trillions and over,  we know that () x 1 will = the first fact of the number given, if you do it backwards it would be the same answer, not for infinity,  Once you reach the point of having the phrase, (Infinity) will always go up, you cannot take anything away from infinite, since it is infinite. you cannot search 7.982__e+302, 

(___) if you are wondering why they are in the main number provided, that means I forgot about those numbers, You have a 1 in septilltion chance of getting the exact number before Infinity, You can use cookie clicker but you can't trust that since they are not AI's, AI are smarter, in some moments. If you find the exact number before Infinity, please tell me, 

Next steps: I would like to do some more research about the number Infinity. The number before Infinity starts with a S, thats all I know for it's spelling, Septvigillion, I think, Septvigillion<- This number is very close to Infinity but I am still trying to figure out the number, I did some research, and the biggest number is called googol, it has 100 zeros. So there, I will still try and find a way to get the number...

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