
Friday 31 July 2020

Karson And Faafua's Informational Poster On Stress


  1. Hi Karson,I can relate to your informational poster I know that when I forgot what I want to say it make me stress.GOOD JOB!

  2. Hi Karson, This poster is insiring because some people and really relate to this poster.Good job :3

  3. hello karson wow you have all ready posted your infomational poster on stress you so fast and you make it seem easy but it is not easy and fast to me it's so slow but work takes time okay ka kite keep bloging and never give up.

  4. Hi Karson this is Neha. You did so good on your informational poster. It is interesting. Keep up the wonderful work.

  5. Hi Karson this is Luke Hesioni & kaiva we like your poster on steers its really cool good job keep trying your best on your task everyday. we have a question why did u put three same photo of steers on your poster?

  6. Hi karson this is Ila and I just wanted to say that I like your work it is nce it tells me a lot of information o n stress nice job.
